Grateful for this feature on leading Mexican newspaper, El Universal Querétaro. The article is about how a visual artist documents life under quarantine during Covid-19 pandemic. Muchas gracias! to journalist Demian Chávez and El Universal Querétaro for the interview and terrific questions and article on such an important subject. Click on this link to El Universal Querétaro to read the full article, and see my art and editorial contribution. Message me if you would like a transcript of my contribution in english. One of my quotes from the article: "Poder proportioner histories desde la primera línea, en el terreno y desde un nivel local, especialmente la capacidad de aportar ulna perspective cultural única es importante para resolver ulna crisis global. Creo que las contributions de etsas cuentas personals de primera manna son vitals." "Being able to provide stories from the frontlines, on the ground and from a local level, especially the ability to bring unique cultural perspective is important to solving a global crisis. I think contributions from these personal, firsthand accounts are vital." - Jedidiah Dore Click here for Article.